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May 13, 2019

We’re Gonna Need More Bag-holders…

I have been highly critical of the Profitless Prosperity Sector (a.k.a the Ponzi Sector). The sector consists of companies that are effectively Ponzi Schemes; in that they have accelerating losses but show blistering growth rates in order to attract new capital. This all worked fine when companies kept their free floats small enough to be manipulated like Tesla (TSLA – USA) or stayed private Read More
Categories: Investments
Positions Mentioned: TSLA
April 2, 2019

Failure To LYFToff…

Over the past few quarters, I have become increasingly critical of the Profitless Prosperity Sector, known amongst my friends as the Ponzi Sector. Why Ponzi Sector? Because these companies have no profits yet continue to raise new capital by showing explosive revenue growth. Oddly, the more revenue they show, the more money they lose, because incremental revenue is at a negative gross margin. Many Read More
Categories: General
Positions Mentioned: LYFT